Give the Gift of Hope

I was touched by the words of a friend who wrote this on social media: 

This book…

I don’t have words to fully express how Christina’s vulnerability in this book has touched me…

I’ll be honest, as an unmarried woman with no children, I wasn’t sure how much I was going to get out of a book about miscarriage. I mean, I was sure I would be able to empathize, at least a bit, but I have never lost a child, so I was more-so picking it up because Christina Varvel and her husband Brett Varvel are dear friends of mine, and Christina had so graciously gifted it to me while I was on set with them in Indiana this past month.

But when I tell you I NEEDED these words…oh man…💔❤️

I…eh…also all too quickly learned that this is NOT the book to read on a plane…😬 My sincere apologies to the poor fellow sitting next to me, watching the tears and snot run down my puffy red face. 🤧😅

All I can say is that God always knows exactly what we need and when we need it and He always astounds me with just how He goes about touching and speaking to my heart.

As I’m posting this, I’m only half way through this book, and, is encouraging me, humbling me, and challenging me in ways I could have never imagined!

Like Christina reminded me with the personal inscription on the opening pages of my copy…

“Micah, you understand grief and suffering, even if not in the way of a miscarriage. I hope my story reminds you always of God’s faithfulness, and the hope we have in Him no matter the circumstances.” 

Whether it be processing past suffering, walking through current hardships, or even dealing with the crippling fear of potential future suffering, we ALL understand grief and suffering, and Christina sharing her journey through the heartbreaking and faith-shattering parts of her life has allowed me to be a bit braver and trust in Christ a little bit deeper as I walk through my own. 🤍

Micah said it right...we all understand grief and suffering. But have we all found the source of comfort and hope? It's in a Person, and His name is Emmanuel, God with us. 

Brett and I understand grief and suffering from losing our two sons. Yet, we also experienced the presence of Emmanuel like never before in the midst of the pain. Consider reading my book or gifting it to a family member or friend who needs to hear that God is with us, and the hope we have in Him no matter the circumstance. 

My book is on sale through Amazon and my store. If you buy through my store, I'll personally sign your copy like I did for Micah. ❤️


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