The Lord’s faithfulness to the grandchildren…

Five years ago on May 10th, I gave birth to Seth. 

This is my almost 90 year-old Grandma Julie, reading my book about her great-grandsons, Seth and Roi.

This is my 86 year-old Grandma Ann, “meeting” her great-grandsons, Reagan and Roman.

Grandma Julie has met Reagan and Roman.

Grandma Ann has not met Reagan and Roman, because she died two months after their birth.

Grandma Julie has the blessing of reading about the impact of Seth and Roi’s short lives on earth.

Grandma Ann passed before I finished my book, yet she has the blessing of living with Seth and Roi in Heaven.

Why this is meaningful to me is because I wouldn’t be the person I am, nor possibly know Jesus, if it wasn’t for these women.

“As for man, his days are like grass—he blooms like a flower of the field; when the wind passes over it, it vanishes, and its place is no longer known.

“But for eternity to eternity the Lord’s faithful love is toward those who fear Him, and His righteousness toward the grandchildren of those who keep His covenant, who remember to observe His precepts.Psalm 103:15-18, HCSB

Choosing to fear the Lord and observe His precepts has earthly and eternal ramifications for our children and their children and their children. I would like to believe that both of my grandmothers have experienced the most overwhelming joy knowing their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren are receiving the faithful love and righteousness of their Lord. Because they were faithful to follow and obey Him until the end.

This doesn't 100% guarantee my children and grandchildren will choose to obey the Lord for themselves. But my family is proof that the Word of God being passed down from generation to generation and living a faithful life has not be in vain. 

Furthermore, while everything in this world vanishes, the Lord's faithfulness is the hope we have in this life and the life to come. 

All glory to God that Seth is living in the fulfillment of this hope. 


How Jesus Heals Your Brokenness {Part 2}


Are you broken? Bring it all to Jesus. {Part 1}