No one can refute what I held in my hands.

Beth places Seth in a blanket and hands him to me. I don’t cry. I’m speechless. I literally have no words, which is unusual for me. I actually can feel my face lifting into a smile as I am mesmerized by this baby.

The intricate detail of his fingers, hands, legs, feet all the way to his toes. I can see his ribs and bones through his translucent skin. I touch him. His bones are already hard. His face. Oh his sweet face! His eyes are shut as they should be at this stage. He has this little smile. He looks content. Peaceful. I can’t take my eyes away.

And just with Seth, I can’t take my eyes off Roi. It’s so miraculous. This tiny human that has all his fingers and toes. His bones are formed and hard. You can see each tiny rib though the translucent skin. His formed mouth is even open. Since Seth and Roi only measured 2 days a part, they did look very similar. Brett comments that even though their measurements were similar in age, it’s amazing how they still look different in the details.

Even at 13 weeks, it is evident of the truth that not only does God knit these babies in the womb, he knits each and every one different. It’s not only that we pro-lifers stand on the truth that life starts at conception. Or that we believe that they have souls and not only physical life. It’s also the awe-struck, praise-worthy, glory-given, mind-blowing, speechless truth that our Creator God has formed each life completely different where no two have ever been nor will ever be the same. Science and pro-choice advocates can never refute what Brett and I held in our hands on Thursday, May 10, 2018 and Tuesday, April 23, 2019.
~ Excerpt from Living Hope: Giving Birth to Death Brought Life

I am more passionate than ever to stand for life. This past week, a bill in my state has been introduced to the Indiana General Assembly to also stand for the unborn.

Here is a summary of that bill:

"Protection of life. Repeals the statutes authorizing and regulating abortion. Finds that human physical life begins when a human ovum is fertilized by a human sperm. Asserts a compelling state interest in protecting human physical life from the moment that human physical life begins. Provides that court decisions to enjoin the law are void. Specifies the duty of Indiana officials to enforce the law. Specifies that federal officials attempting to enforce contrary court orders against Indiana officials enforcing the law shall be subject to arrest by Indiana law enforcement. Redefines "human being" for purposes of the criminal code to conform to the finding that human physical life begins when a human ovum is fertilized by a human sperm. Makes other conforming changes."  - IGA, House Bill 1282

Holding Seth and Roi changed me in more ways than I can count. I believe the words of David without a shadow of doubt: 

"For it was You who created my inward parts; You knit me together in my mother's womb...

"My bones were not hidden from You when I was made in secret, when I was formed in the depths of the earth. 

"Your eyes saw me when I was formless; all my days were written in Your book and planned before a single one of them began." (Psalm 139-13-16, HCSB)

In what way have you experienced our Awesome God's creation of life? How are you convinced that the lives of the unborn have value?


If you have suffered an abortion, this is not to inflict guilt or shame! The Lord sees you! His grace and mercy is enough to hold you, and is holding your child too. Because of the hope we have in Jesus Christ, your unborn child is redeemed and whole like my Seth and Roi.


If you live in Indiana, you have the opportunity to email our elected officials to encourage them to protect human life in the womb. Join me in being a voice to the voiceless. Click below to send an email, which is already written out for you!


Her baby’s life will mean something. It will have value.


I am gravely robbing myself of God’s Grace.