Take a peek behind-the-scenes of a filmmaking family…

Do you watch movies? Do you ever wonder what all goes into making the film so that you can be entertained by what you just watched on your screen? Are you fascinated by the actors and actresses that portray the characters?

The film life looks glamorous. It’s elevated in our culture. Actors and actresses are put on display as desirable. Numerous award ceremonies showcase filmmakers’ talents and successes. 

But no one sees the behind-the-scenes reality of those people — the day in, day out life of the people who work in front or behind the camera. From the Production Assistant who shows the lead actor where his trailer is, to the Director who is sitting in the chair calling the shots, and everyone in between. I have to admit, it is magical how it all comes together. But when you pull back the curtain, these are real people with real struggles. 

Specifically, have you ever wondered how the film life affects the family? How does someone who works in film live that life, yet also be a husband and a father? 

And what does the wife think about it all? 

That’s where I come in, since I am a wife to a filmmaker. A filmmaker who wears many hats: actor, director, writer, producer, editor. 

Brett has been involved in filmmaking since we started dating at 16 years old. Even if it was a home video he did for a class assignment. (All the teachers loved his movies. I was envious that he could do something fun, while I was stuck writing papers for the assignment. Funny how life works, because here I am still writing “papers,” and he’s still making movies!)

I had the opportunity to talk on a recent podcast episode about what really goes on behind the camera. What you don’t see or hear about when you watch a movie — the challenges, the isolation, the times it is too much and on the brink of giving it all up. 

On the set of Treasure Lies, which Brett directed in 2019.

Amanda Gundersen, wife of Chad Gundersen (producer for The Chosen TV series), and I sat down with Micah Versemann, podcast host for The Producer Podcast. Two wives discuss what life is like on and off a film set, how it affects us and our children, and how we both learned to support our husbands in this crazy industry. 

This is a small glimpse of what life has been like for Brett and me as we navigate the challenges of financial insecurity, flexible schedules, life on the road, being apart, and how we learned to be a team. I will write more of our journey as you continue to sit on my couch, but listen in now to hear how “we’re doing this together.” 

Gotta brag on my hubby. If you are interested in the films that Brett has been involved in, check out his page here.

At the premiere for American Underdog, in which Brett played NFL coach Steve "Mooch" Mariucci.

I tell a story about this night on the podcast.


Don’t lose hope as outwardly we are wasting away…


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