I See You

I see you

you whose pride led you astray

because I saw Eve

and covered her shame with a new Way

I see you

you who were abused and violated

because I saw Tamar

and honored her as I was hated

I see you

you who grieve the death of your loved one

because I saw Mary and Martha

and suffered the loss of My own Son

I see you 

you who are barren and childless

because I saw Sarah, Rachel, and Hannah

and may have a different plan to bless

I see you

you who invisibly serve behind the scene

because I saw Peter’s wife

and will someday crown you as a queen

I see you 

you who physically suffer each day

because I saw the bleeding woman

and will strengthen you as you pray

I see you 

you who desires another man

because I saw the adulteress woman

and turned her condemners away in the sand

I see you 

you who defy the king’s ungodly decree

because I saw Jochebed

and her son set My people free

I see you

you who are not social influencers

because I saw the nameless women of the Bible

and they became more than conquerors 

I see you

you who would rather curse Me and die

because I saw Job’s wife

and gave her another try

I see you

you who were abandoned and had to flee

because I saw Hagar

and she gave Me a name, El Roi, "God who sees me”

I see you

but do you see Me?

Eve traded hers for My shame

Mary and Martha ran to Me in their pain

Hannah surrendered to Me her dreams

The bleeding woman reached out for My seam

The adulteress walked away from her sin

Peter’s wife helped the Church to begin

Jochebed desperately held onto My grace

Hagar sought only My face

I see you

but do you see Me?

I’ve always been and always will be here

so turn your eyes upon Me and come near


I wanted to quit homeschooling


Don’t lose hope as outwardly we are wasting away…