Will you help show Hollywood that we don’t need them?

Brett helped me get out of the car after our driver pulled up to the theater. I straightened out my dress to make sure the tulle fabric wasn’t sticking in places it shouldn’t. I licked the front of my teeth to also ensure that lipstick wasn’t streaking in places it shouldn’t…something that Brett usually has to give me a signal to alert me when I do wear it. We started walking together through the outdoor mall. 

There was no red carpet. There was no escort. There was not a swarm of photographers ready to pounce. There were no news or media reporters to ask for interviews. 

We walked up to a group of people already standing outside the theater entrance. It was the start of a reunion for Brett with the cast, crew, directors, and producers. We snapped a few pictures with people using our phones.

This movie premiere…this one was different. 

As the first scene was displayed on the screen, I knew that this film…this one was different. 

Yeah, I’m a bit biased since my husband is the lead actor of Running the Bases. But even if he wasn’t in this film, I have reason to support and highly praise it. The directors had one purpose in this movie: to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. As the night went on at the after party, there also was one focus: giving glory to God. 

Several months ago we were at the most iconic film theater surrounded by paparazzi, media and news reporters, and celebrities. 

This night we were in North Atlanta surrounded by our film community singing worship songs and praying together. 

Running the Bases will be in over 1,000 theaters across the country without a distribution company to back it. You may not know much about the movie business, but trying to promote an independent film without the support of a big studio like Sony, Lionsgate, Disney, or Universal is almost impossible. They dominate the industry.

The producers were turned down by every distribution company because of one reason: Jesus. If they took Jesus out and made it a “family-friendly” film only, they would take it. The producers wouldn’t back down. In fact, the film’s premise is about standing up for truth and the gospel no matter what it takes. The producers had to live through the exact message they are trying to proclaim. 

And what happened? God was faithful because they were faithful. Running the Bases will be in theaters this weekend, starting TONIGHT, September 15th. And this is where you come in… 

Go see it. Not because Brett is in it, and I want you to praise him. Far from that. We want people to show up in masses to show Hollywood that we don’t need them. We want Christian films to blow away the garbage that is being produced. 

If we have more people say “no” to the Satanic crap…yes…it’s Satanic if it is dishonoring to God…and support films that preach the truth of Jesus Christ, then we can make a huge difference in media. 

“But Christina, I’ve tried to watch those films…and the quality is not good, and the writing is cheesy.”

I have just a few things to say about that…

First, I agree that the quality of many Christian films is not the same as what you see come out of Hollywood. But that’s because it costs money. A TON of money. Those Marvel movies…the three Avenger movies alone cost 826 million dollars. Those Harry Potter films: over 1.1 billion dollars. Why is it that expensive?  It costs money to pay filmmakers who are talented in this industry to deliver an excellent film-viewing experience.

And you know who pays for it? You—the consumer. I always snubbed my nose at athletes who make millions throwing a football around. But guess who pays their salary? Me—the consumer. (Ok, more Brett who yells at the TV watching the Colts who are choking. Again.) We pay Hollywood when our credit cards are charged monthly for Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, Amazon Prime, Apple TV, Redbox, and movie theater tickets. Now, stop and think about how much our money could impact Christian media! 

I’m passionate about this because of experience. Brett has been trying to raise money for Disciples in the Moonlight, and it’s like pulling teeth. He was on the phone with a potential investor who was interested in learning more about the project. After Brett poured out his heart’s passion for the Word of God and the gospel being proclaimed through his film, the man was hesitant about giving his money to the film and then switched the conversation to another film project Brett had acted in. He went on and on about how much he loved this other film. Brett politely ended the phone call with, “Think and pray about investing in Disciples in the Moonlight. We are looking to partner with people who want to advance the gospel through film.” 

Our friends praying over Brett and the coming production of Disciples in the Moonlight

“Christina, I was never changed by watching a film. Does it really make that much of a difference?” Oh boy…how much time do I have to answer that one! I actually think I don’t need to say much if you are noticing the indoctrination that secular media is unashamedly preaching. But even before recent times, every film has a message. Every film is trying to say something. Every film is either glorifying to God or it is not. You are being influenced whether you may realize it or not. It’s been subtle, but it’s been purposeful. It’s a slow desensitizing of your morals and convictions. 

What’s the opposite effect? “Faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the Word of Christ” (Romans 10:17, ESV). Brett’s mission is to use the most powerful medium of our age to proclaim the most powerful message ever told. The truth of the gospel changes people. I also know this because of experience. You know which films Brett hears about years later that are still impacting people? The ones that would be laughable by Hollywood’s standards, but proclaim this most powerful message, the gospel. I don’t have all the numbers of people who have given their life to Christ because only God knows that. But a recent example is last month in Uganda, 111 people chose to follow Jesus after watching Brett’s first feature film, The War Within. (You can watch it for FREE here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmL4KvxvlUQ&t=5s). 

Which brings me to my last point: the gospel of Jesus Christ is never cheesy. Yes, the delivery may not come across believable due to the artist’s presentation, but let me ask you: are you personally sharing the gospel with people? I wouldn’t criticize it if you aren’t doing it. It reminds me of a conversation D.L. Moody had with a woman:

She said, “Mr. Moody, I don’t like the way you do evangelism!” 

“Well ma’am, let me ask you, how do you do it?” Moody asked. 

She replied, “I don’t.” 

Moody responded, “Well, I like my way of doing it better than your way of not doing it.”

(From Illustrations Unlimited by James S. Hewitt)

So at least these films are DOING it. Also, “God has chosen what is foolish in the world to shame the wise, and God has chosen what is weak in the world to shame the strong” (1 Corinthians 1:27, HCSB). His Word does not go out in vain. 

I pray you can hear my heart behind these words. I’m just tired of hearing people boohooing over our secular media; yet they still pay with their pocketbook and don’t support the alternative. This weekend is your chance to bring your family and friends to watch a film that shares the hope of Jesus Christ. It’s not only a nice “family-friendly” movie; it’s a film that Satan and even Hollywood are scared of because lives will be changed in a culture that is desperate for hope. 

To find out which theater close to you is playing Running the Bases, go to this link: https://www.runningthebasesmovie.com/tickets/

Watch the trailer:

Also, we are less than 3 weeks from starting production of Disciples in the Moonlight. Like Brett said, "We are looking to partner with people who want to advance the gospel through film." If that's you, go to houseofgracestudios.com/disciples to learn how to be a part of the Kingdom work we are doing.

Thank you for listening to my heart,



I can never look at a fall leaf the same


Does your faith look like this?