

Real Conversations.

Renewed Hope.

Radical Transformation.

Motherhood Christina Varvel Motherhood Christina Varvel

Uneducated, Untrained, Unschooled, and Ordinary

We may be showing our children that following the culture’s way of educating and living is more important than following Jesus at all costs. Are we asking God if His will for our child(ren) is a path that looks completely different than the world around them? Or are we raising our children to only follow the “tried and true” steps to get them where they “need” to be? What if we are unintentionally contributing to a culture that demands comfort, safety, and security?

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Christina Varvel Christina Varvel

When There Isn’t Much to Show That’s Worth Putting on Display to Shine Bright

At the end of each day, what I really want to say is “Look, God! Look at my kids and what I did today! Do you see me? Is what I am doing working? Or is it all in vain?”

Because deep down I want the sacrifices, the tears, the not-social-media-worthy mundane, repetitive, long, hard days to mean something, anything. I’m looking to the results to show my worth and my children’s worth, and when there is nothing to show, I fall prey to discouragement, defeat, and rejection.

Praise the Father that He does not parent like me…

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